"Tomorrowland" is the first in Moscow traditionally styled classical American musical. Composed by Andrew G. White, directed by John Adams and produced by Charles Stevens, known for his collaboration with Andrew Lloyd Webber, the piece is dedicated to love story of American man and Russian woman, which evolves over the background of Russian life of 1991.
Critics unanimously mentioned great scenery and pretty good acting in very poorly written play.
2000 – Состоялся юбилейный концерт группы «Чайф» в СК «Олимпийский», посвященный пятнадцатилетию группы. Зрители в объеме 20000 человек, устроили полнейший аншлаг »»
Robert WALKER (1937)
William "Smokey" ROBINSON (1940)
Bob ROGERS (1940)
Lou CHRISTIE (1943)
Юрий АНТОНОВ (1945)
Tony IOMMI (1948)
Eddie HARDIN (1949)
Всеволод ГАККЕЛЬ (1953)