Festival of underground rock music opened fall-winter musical season in Vladimir. Non-commercial and not promoted on the national level but extremely popular in Vladimir performed on the fest. There were: Bazza, Bu-Floyd, Jaba (Bullfrog) and Alexey Barishev as a special guest. Styles varied from blues-funk to extreme. The reception was more than hot.
Spirit of brotherhood and mutual support are characteristical for the festivals like Vladimir one. Unlike the shows of more corporate and established rockers, in Vladimir the atmosphere of common inspiration was especially felt. Musicians of some band join another one onstage, in spite of divergence in styles and preferences. The benefit will be spent to erect a memorial to Igor Mihailov, Vladimir musician, who passed away year ago.
Spiritual, financial and informational help and support was given by Vladimir branch of Music Box company, Rock Time musical salon, Glushkov Ltd and radio Europa plus Vladimir. It is not for the first time regional division of a national-wide FM Europa plus support interesting, sometimes unique for Russia local projects.
1969 – Родился Брайан Уильямс, более известный как Birdman или Baby; американский рэпер из Нью-Орлеана. Со своим братом Рональдом основал лейбл Cash Money Records. По оценкам Forbes, его состояние оценивается в 100 миллионов долларов, и это делает его четвёртым из списка самых богатых рэперов »»
1976 – Родился Ронни Вануччи-младший, ударник инди-рок группы The Killers - один из самых известных барабанщиков, дважды победитель опроса на звание Modern Drummers Reader Polls »»
1994 – Гарик Сукачев объявил о распаде «Бригады С» »»
Brian HOLLAND (1941)
Glyn JOHNS (1942)
Henry THREADGILL (1944)
Melissa MANCHESTER (1951)
Ronnie VANNUCCI (1976)