Мумий Тролль выпустили новое видео на песню "С чистого листа", снятое на мобильники во время дружеского пикника группы.
"В непростые для музыканта времена нужно учиться постигать смежные профессии, например – видеорежиссера или оператора. Как и начать жизнь с чистого листа, это – просто, потому что "сначала – любовь", - так комментирует нарочитую "низкобюджетность" клипа Илья Лагутенко.
Песня "С чистого листа" войдет в альбом "Пиратские копии", выход которого запланирован на 2015 год.
Although some may take this as an exaggeration, it always seemed to me that there was something more complex about Mummy Troll and Ilya Lagutenko than what appeared on the surface of his songs. It's...
Дата образования:
16 октября 1983
Подробности из жизни:
Although some may take this as an exaggeration, it always seemed to me that there was something more complex about Mummy Troll and Ilya Lagutenko than what appeared on the surface of his songs. It's not that he has a particularly exciting biography, however, nor does the group really stray far beyond the standards of Russian pop. But if you listen closely to the lyrics, you realize there has to be some sort of reason, or at least justification for either their esoteric showiness, or imaginative eccentricity (depending on your point of view). You just don't know where to look for that justification. When I found out that by the time he reached the status he knows today, Lagutenko had already obtained a diploma in African and Eastern Studies from the Far East State Universtiy in Vladivostok, and had lived in China for a while (which I'm sure did wonders to his lexicon and his concept of vocabulary), I was able to place an origin to some of the wildest imagery in his songs. Not that…
Ronnie SCOTT (1927)
Acker BILK (1929)
Dick TAYLOR (1943)
Robert WYATT (1945)
Eddie BAYERS (1949)
Henry JOHNSON (1954)
Sarah MCLACHLAN (1968)