Everything was recorded in 1984 on the ⌠Astra■ recorder┘. ⌠Maybe I can have a cigarette?■ Tsoi says. The ringing of glasses and other noises testify that it might be a little crowded in the apartment. Tsoi's voice is high and breaks at times (that was very characteristic of 1980's rockers- now their voices are much lower). A match is lit, there's noise and laughter, ⌠a new situation in the apartment appears,■ and recollections are made about nothing in particular. The doorbell rings, someone comes in. Was there really no freedom in 1984? ⌠Remember, there's no prison more terrifying than the one in your head.■ A little awkward, but true┘
По материалам: www.zvuki.ru
Дата рождения:
21 июня 1962
1935 – В Чикаго, Иллинойс, родился Рэй Манзарек - музыкант, продюсер, автор песен, один из основателей и клавишник группы The Doors »»
1999 – Первый концерт группы «Люмен» »»
Mel POWELL (1923)
Red ALLEN (1930)
Gene MCDANIELS (1935)
Ray MANZAREK (1939)
Steve HACKETT (1950)