Dance music compilation CD's like this have only their historical significance to rely on a year after their release. COOL DANCE collected examples of the European pop-disco music scene of 1998 and 1999. The cover advertises "16 Cool Dance Hits," but this is most likely an exaggeration. There are fewer than 16 hits, and even fewer songs that frequently made it to discotheques. Possibly the main hit is the first track (BLUE or DA BA DEE). The remix of the old song "I Have Been Thinking About You" is also more or less impressive. Well, at least "Dance Heaven" (the company releasing this CD) tried in its own time.
По материалам:
1901 – Родилась Марлен Дитрих - немецкая и американская актриса и певица, икона стиля. Смелая женщина, пославшая нафиг Йозефа Геббельса »»
Владимир Борисович ФЕЙЕРТАГ (1931)
Scotty MOORE (1931)
Michael PINDER (1941)
Mick JONES (1944)
David KNOPFLER (1952)
YOUTH (1960)