КОНКУРС  Limericks About Nautilus Pompilus

Zvuki.ru and Humour.ru is holding a contest. This time we offer that you compose a limerick about the life of the group Nautilus Pompilus. Why Nautilus? We just included the last album of their...

Zvuki.ru and Humour.ru is holding a contest.
This time we offer that you compose a limerick about the life of the group Nautilus Pompilus. Why Nautilus? We just included the last album of their collection in our audio-archive and want to refresh your memory in case you've forgotten about the group that Butusov, Umetsky, and Kormiltsev once founded. And if you've forgotten what a limerick is, look here (unfortunately, you'll have to read the limericks in Russian).
Here are the first lines that you will start with. Two of the best poets will win a videocassette with the archive of the legendary PROGRAMME A:

When Nautilus sang "Goodbye America"┘.
When Butusov woke up with a hangover┘

As usual, send all your masterpieces to lottery@zvuki.ru.

По материалам: www.zvuki.ru

03.05.2000, Анна АРУТЮНЯН (ЗВУКИ РУ)

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