St. Petersburg artist Dmitri Antonov, former soloist of the popular (according to the booklet) group So What (have you ever heard of them? We haven't either), having experience working in pubs, casinos, and discotheques, decided to contribute to the advancement of Western culture for the masses. So he took up "little known examples of classical rock-n-roll," (quote) and having recorded a few cover versions, filled in the music with texts of his own composition. Lyrics by D. Antonov, music by D. Bowie? That's great! It's so absurd it's entertaining.
One of the main songs is based on Lionel Richie's "Hello." Other "little known examples" include Joseph Dassin, Donovan, and Iggy Pop. But Bowie is obviously a favorite, especially well rearranged by arranger Sergei Ananiev.
I don't know if the author is acquainted with the Mitki, but the genre is right in their style: "The Mitki help David Bowie reach the Russian audience."
The cover has a notice: "Not for sale." So it's a present, and you won't find it in stores. P.S. For anyone who is interested, tracks 3 and 4 are switched.
По материалам:
1963 – The Beatles выпустили "Please Please Me" - свой первый долгоиграющий альбом в Великобритании, который сразу же занял лидирующие позиции в британских хит-парадах »»
William SHATNER (1931)
Jon HASSELL (1937)
George BENSON (1943)
Keith RELF (1943)
Tony T.S. MCPHEE (1944)
Валерий СЮТКИН (1958)