As Artemii Troitsky (not Trotsky) continues on his enlightening mission, thanks to him there will be a mini-series of concerts in the Chinese Pilot Club featuring two wonderful Scandinavian accordionists. On April 16 there will be a performance of the Finnish Kimmo Pohjonen.
They call him the "Hendrix of the accordion" and the "techno-accordion terrorist." From 1996 through 1999 he would yearly win the title of "Best Folk Musician" in Finland, but his biography included avant-garde and rock projects as well. In the last 6 years he participated in and recorded 65 albums, and also composed music for theater. He says that the potential of the underestimated and forgotten is so great that it would take him another 20 years to just open it up for himself. That is why Kimmo Pohjonen is just a man with an accordion, and nothing more. But untraditional application of the instrument and the light shows make somewhat of a theatrical performance out of his concerts, which are never alike. He believes that each musical instrument contains within itself a whole orchestra, and easily proves this. But behind the seeming ease with which he plays lies a professional classical education in the Helsinki Conservatory and the folklore department of the Sibelius Academy, not to mention training in Argentina and Tansania (Bagamoyo College of Arts) and teaching in the US, Sweden and Holland.
His concert schedule for the rest of the year is entirely full: Yugoslavia, USA, Canada, Germnay, Belgium, England. In Russia he will give a performance at the Sergei Kurekhin Festival on April 15 and then another one on the 16th at the Chinese Pilot Club.
On April 17, meanwhile, there will be a performance of the legendary Swedish accordionist and composer, Lars Holmer, and his new group Jutsiker. One-time leader of the movement "Rock in Opposition," he became the father of progressive Swedish rock. And yet his work is difficult to classify: he plays everything from folk, rock, the avant-garde, to old church music, classical, and children's music.
1969 – Родился Брайан Уильямс, более известный как Birdman или Baby; американский рэпер из Нью-Орлеана. Со своим братом Рональдом основал лейбл Cash Money Records. По оценкам Forbes, его состояние оценивается в 100 миллионов долларов, и это делает его четвёртым из списка самых богатых рэперов »»
1976 – Родился Ронни Вануччи-младший, ударник инди-рок группы The Killers - один из самых известных барабанщиков, дважды победитель опроса на звание Modern Drummers Reader Polls »»
1994 – Гарик Сукачев объявил о распаде «Бригады С» »»
Brian HOLLAND (1941)
Glyn JOHNS (1942)
Henry THREADGILL (1944)
Melissa MANCHESTER (1951)
Ronnie VANNUCCI (1976)