The guys from the Kiev ensemble Green Gray are rare guests in Moscow. There aren't many that can say they've seen and heard the group live. But on March 17 and 18 Green Gray will give a concert in the new Moscow club, ⌠Tseppelin.■ What's surprising, though, is that the first of the two performances will be acoustic.
Imagine that- Green Gray, those categorical mods and musical innovators decided this time to get by without any technology or DJ paraphernalia, and to show audiences what they are capable of acoustically. This unplugged is intended to accompany the release of the long-awaited album with the cryptic name ⌠550 MF,■ and will feature its presentation.
According to some sources, ⌠MF■ is the abbreviation for ⌠meters of funk,■ but many are convinced that behind the innocent initials lurks that same you-know-what which, being the title of a song, was the reason that the group had problems with radio and television censors. Then again, whether we'll be able to hear the famous oedipal curse, or any other songs from the album ⌠550 MF■ on March 17 at ⌠Tseppelin,■ is still under question. Green Gray members themselves want to perform only their new opuses in Moscow, which are to be included in their next experimental record, whose working title is ⌠Ducks 2000.■ The band's publishers, Real Records, feel that the presentation should definitely include some of the group's hits.
По материалам:
Дата образования:
30 мая 1992
1710 – Родился Томас Арн - английский композитор, автор гимна "Правь, Британия" »»
1937 – Родился Зураб Соткилава - советский, российский и грузинский оперный певец (лирико-драматический тенор), педагог, народный артист СССР »»
1955 – Скончался Чарли Паркер - американский джазовый саксофонист и композитор, один из основателей стиля бибоп. Паркер, наряду с Луи Армстронгом и Дюком Эллингтоном, считается одним из самых влиятельных музыкантов в истории джаза »»
1969 – Пол Маккартни женился на Линде Истман. Тем же днем Джордж и Патти Харрисоны были задержаны за хранение наркотиков »»
1969 – Родился гитарист Грэм Коксон - участник группы Blur с 1989 по 2002 год, а также 2008 года. Записал 6 соло-альбомов, ещё будучи в составе Blur, далее сконцентрировался на сольных выступлениях »»
Georges DELERUE (1925)
Liza MINELLI (1946)
Liza MINNELLI (1946)
James TAYLOR (1948)
Bill PAYNE (1949)
Marlon JACKSON (1957)
Tony TERRY (1964)
Graham COXON (1969)