Театр  Day of Solidarity with Bolshoi Theater

Ionesko has declared that March 28, 2000 will be an International Day of Solidarity with Bolshoi Theater. This event is taking place within the project of the international company's funding the...

Ionesko has declared that March 28, 2000 will be an International Day of Solidarity with Bolshoi Theater. This event is taking place within the project of the international company's funding the reconstruction of the building of the Bolshoi Theater. Through the national comissions of Ionesko in several countries, theaters, concert halls and other cultural institutions will be addressed that day to contribute to the fund for the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater. It turns out that March 28 is the birthday of the theater: exactly 224 years ago Catherine the Great awarded Prince Peter Urusov with funds for maintaining a theater. Official information about this event is posted on the web site of the Bolshoi theater, at www.bolshoi.ru.

По материалам: www.zvuki.ru

07.03.2000, Анна АРУТЮНЯН (ЗВУКИ РУ)

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