It turns out that many people are quite aware of another dimension, and know exactly where it's located, who lives there, and how you measure it. Especially Stepanov, someone called Skif, Alya Ischenko, and manager Borodin, Pavel Yurievich.
Pavel Yurievich, for example, is absolutely right when he guessed that the other dimension is measured in liters, and that M. Magomaev would be its most likely inhabitant. And Ms. Ischenko is convinced that the other dimension is just the place for the group Zdob si Zdub, "because on our stage they look like they're from another planet, even without antennas and green tails. And they music they play could only be appreciated in another dimension. Now what you could measure this dimension with- I'm not too sure. It would probably be measured by conjunctions."
The more serious Stepanov was immersed in the deeper meaning of the phenomenon: "What concerns our bands, in my humble opinion you can only refer to those groups that make up the 'other dimension' in our country. In other words, those groups that look to the West, create Western sounds, and don't have anything in common with our old Soviet reality, if you're excuse this term. Actually, I'm not even sure whether this needs to be defined- I'll just give you a list of examples:
Tequilajazzz (in the first place)
Messer Fur Frau Muller
Me and My Friend the Truck
Green Grey
And the most talented, in my opinion, "interpreters:"
Zdob si Zdub
Ocean of Elza
Shaman Beat
Burunduk Quartet."
And someone by the name of Skif (a.k.a. Alexander Opryshko), who rather suspiciously asked whether we were referring to the afterlife or a parallel universe, believes that "you can measure a dimension in whatever you want, even with gills." Despite that, in his point of view you can send any group into the afterlife, "but where the parallel universe is concerned, you need to put in some effort to make a portal. Then again, I think if you threw Mummiy Troll into any dimension, and they'd still have fans." Well, we're happy for Skif and Mumiy Troll.
The "Another Dimension" CD goes to the above mentioned- Alexander Opshyrko, Alya Ischenko, Pavel Yurievich Borodin, and Sergei Stepanov.
По материалам:
1955 – Родилась Нина Хаген - немецкая певица, панк-рок музыкант, автор песен, актриса, "мать немецкого панка". Хаген обладает уникальным голосовым диапазоном в четыре октавы, позволяющим ей уверенно исполнять партии также и в очень низком регистре, вплоть до "соль" большой октавы, что характерно для… »»
1967 – Вышел первый сингл группы Pink Floyd, включающий в себя две композиции: Arnold Layne и Candy And А Currant Bun. Он достиг 20-го места в британских чартах »»
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