There is a quote to start this off: "The work of the musician is sado-masochism, where the listener is in the passive role... while he doesn't suspect it." So it's logical that the work of the radio DJ is also sado-masochism, where the passive role is assumed by the musician. There- the circle is round.
Recently, a couple of St. Petersburg cult musicians, Kirill Komarov and the leader of Animal Hibernation Konstantine Arbenin, were visiting Lekha Andreev, the most widely read writer for the cult internet newspaper VESTI RU, and also the irreplaceable host of the program RadioNet. The interview was accompanied by a concert. The product of these mutual perversions can be found at
You should be advised that you will need a Real Player to listen to the program.
По материалам:
2012 – Родился Пол Стэнли (настоящее имя - Stanley Harvey Eisen), гитарист и вокалист глэм-группы KISS, выступающий в "звездном" гриме и носящий ник Starchild »»
Ray ANTHONY (1922)
David TUDOR (1926)
Жан-Жак Перре (1929)
Валерий ПОНОМАРЕВ (1943)
Lew SOLOFF (1944)
Eric STEWART (1945)
David LYNCH (1946)
Paul STANLEY (1952)
Derrick GREEN (1971)