After listening to this album you suddenly start to realize that human language is extremely poor to express all your feelings. So we decided that Maxim Volkov, one of the members of the band, will...

After listening to this album you suddenly start to realize that human language is extremely poor to express all your feelings. So we decided that Maxim Volkov, one of the members of the band, will be more successful in telling you the naked truth about "Pure Love".

"Pure Love" finds the source of its inspiration in the entire mass of world culture artefacts, sublimated and crucified according to those cheerful guys' rules, as well as some concrete personalia: Korney Chukovsky, Zatzepin, Dunaevsky, Lotman, national Russian cartoons and British rock, plus a certain amount of candied spiritual radicalism. Besides, here the musicians are exploring - though somewhat surreptitiously - some aspects of problems concerning alcohol and erotica, - and these are the problems the significance of which can not be underestimated for the members of the band. And although you won't find on "Sukhostoy" (- we've translated it like "Pure love"... well, the translation is almost accurate. - MUSIC RU;) many swear words, it seems for some mystical reasons that all the acts are ferociously cursing each other. Maybe one should blame for that the innumerable alliterations, temporarily kept in the background. But it may be just an effect created by slightly coarse voices, unable to conceal neither annual spring hay fever nor the latent yearning for the Heaven Jerusalem.

Some inevitable comments:
Korney Chukovsky- a Soviet writer, best known for his children books.
Zatzepin - a Soviet pop-composer.
Dunaevsky - a Soviet classic composer, best known for the soundtracks to Soviet movies.
Lotman - a world-famous Russian semiologist.

27.11.1999, (ЗВУКИ РУ)

ЧИСТАЯ ЛЮБОВЬ - свежие публикации:

  • Альбом дня - Московские чувства, 04.09.2002
    Если подбирать к творчеству Чистой любви эпиграф, то таковым вполне мог бы стать куплет из Праздника электричества : Девчата, красьте ваши ротики, мы держим путь в страну эротики / И вы не »»
  • Анонс - Чистое ухо третьей любви, 03.03.2000
    3 марта в клубе "Третье Ухо", что в Москве на Тверском буль.-25, в здании литинститута (в здании, известном, в частности, тем, что там располагался ресторан МАССОЛИТа), что близ "Макдональдса" и »»
  • Альбом дня - Сухостой, 27.11.1999
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