As a musician, Alexander Voronin, in my opinion, dwells in one of the numberless concentric circles, in the middle of which there abides Robert Fripp. It can be proved by Voronin's co-work with Trasy D. Drayke (a member of "The World of King Crimson") and many years of work with Andrew Souchilin, a guitarist who've participated in Fripp's "Guitar Craft".
"Geography" is an album in which the flute plays the main part, and one can clearly feel the breathing of music here. The titles of the tracks are the names of places where Voronin played his flute ("Gelendgik, Kolkhoznaya st., evening", "Metro, August" and "Tallinn, May" - which is especially pleasant for me as for a native born). The problem of verification of "das selbst" - which is more than self-sufficiency - was solved "softly", by placing fragments of different music together with the flute sounds: from Gregorian chorales to Janis Joplin songs. Her voice became an epigraph to the whole album. And this could not have been an accident: "Live fast, love hard, die young", - that's the point. Yet another comment to the album - Frank Zappa's words from "Joe's Garage": "Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love, love is not music, music is the best of all".
Alexander Voronin (12.12.1966 - 8.07.1998) worked with "Do major", "Nicolas Copernicus", "Entr'acte", "Igra" ("The Game"), "Acoustic-Kovcheg", "Komitet Okhrany Tepla" ("Committee of Warmth...
Дата рождения:
12 декабря 1966
Подробности из жизни:
Alexander Voronin (12.12.1966 - 8.07.1998) worked with "Do major", "Nicolas Copernicus", "Entr'acte", "Igra" ("The Game"), "Acoustic-Kovcheg", "Komitet Okhrany Tepla" ("Committee of Warmth Protection"), "Soft Animals", "Aleatoric Orchestra", "Sakura", "Avvalon", Igor Granov band. He played in concerts with Sergey Letov, Umka, chamber musicians "Consonance", gypsy theatre "Romane". Participated in co-projects with Alexander Sokolov, Rada Tzapina, Ivan Sokolovsky, guitarist Tracy D.Drake (well-known by his work with Robert Fripp). Recorded two solo albums: "Traces of a Prophet or Almost a Requiem" (1990-1992) and "Geography" (1991-1998). Died in an accident. Olga Arefieva on "Geography" Irina Gurova's cover to "Geography" matches the content of the album perfectly - it is avant-garde, minimalist, philosophical. Geography. Anthropology. The essence of the world is fragile, this web is spun from almost invisible gossamers, it can be only perceived by silence. That's what Alexander…
1955 – Родилась Нина Хаген - немецкая певица, панк-рок музыкант, автор песен, актриса, "мать немецкого панка". Хаген обладает уникальным голосовым диапазоном в четыре октавы, позволяющим ей уверенно исполнять партии также и в очень низком регистре, вплоть до "соль" большой октавы, что характерно для… »»
1967 – Вышел первый сингл группы Pink Floyd, включающий в себя две композиции: Arnold Layne и Candy And А Currant Bun. Он достиг 20-го места в британских чартах »»
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