September 24 in StPetersburg club "Moloko" ("Milk") an artistic and musical action took place. It was organized by rock group "Para Bellum" and artists Nikolai Slryl and Galina Samarina. Pictures were exibited painted to the songs of "Mina", "Contriva" and "Para Bellum " bands. "Para Bellum" performed compositions in the mood of the pasintings. There were particularly compositions, thought and composed beforehand, - not so usual and popular among musicians now 'improvisations to the painting'.
Also took place in the project: musicians Markus Shmikler (Cologne) and Masha Kurella (Berlin): artists Alexander Klein (Munich) and Maximilian Rezza (Rome). After artistic action there was a concert of "Para Bellum" band and recital of group of poets called "Dreli Kuda Popalo".
Дата образования:
1 октября 1995
1943 – День рождения Джорджа Харрисона, композитора, певца, гитариста группы "The Beatles" . Харрисон занимает 21 место в списке 100 величайших гитаристов всех времён по версии журнала Rolling Stone »»
1984 – Элтон Джон неожиданно сочетался браком с Ренатой Блауэл. Брак оказался непродолжительным по причине "сами-знаете-чего" »»
Eric ANDERSEN (1943)
Maceo PARKER (1943)
Otis GRAND (1950)
Michael DOUCET (1951)
ICE T (1959)
David HOLMES (1969)
Алина ЮДАЕВА (1971)
Rob THOMAS (1972)
Jeru THE DAMAJA (1972)