30 years passed since creation of the instrument which changed forever the sound of pop music - first available synthesizer "Minimoog". Invented by engineer Robert Moog, this instrument the same as it's preceedors, was not considered a "musical" instrument. Those who played it were not considered permanent members of jazz or rock bands. If te synthesizer sounds were needed during the tour, synthesizers were hired in the city of concert with it's players. Invented to imitate natural sounds, the instrument was used solely for creating sound effects Herbie Hancock was first to use Minimoog as a regular melodic instrument with it's own distinctive voice, and since then synthesizer belongs to arsenal of most of keyboard players.
In the 80-s Moog Music, which in fact was already the property of Norlin Co, could not adopt to a new demands of the time and seized to exist. Robert Moog already concentrated on development and manufacturing Therermins - instruments invented by Leo Theremin in Russia almost 100 years ago. In Theremin the sound is controlled by waving the hands without touching the instrument. Now Big Briar company which belongs to Moog manufactures several models of Theremin: from the most simple to big professional ones. Robert Moog engineers new models which use some principles considered impossible before, like MIDI-Theremin.
The last invention of Robert Moog and Big Briar was recently presented. It is a computer-based piano, called Van Koevering Interactive Piano. This instrument thought of as a composer's tool, and it also meant to be used for teaching piano playing and music in general.
2000 – Состоялся юбилейный концерт группы «Чайф» в СК «Олимпийский», посвященный пятнадцатилетию группы. Зрители в объеме 20000 человек, устроили полнейший аншлаг »»
Robert WALKER (1937)
William "Smokey" ROBINSON (1940)
Bob ROGERS (1940)
Lou CHRISTIE (1943)
Юрий АНТОНОВ (1945)
Tony IOMMI (1948)
Eddie HARDIN (1949)
Всеволод ГАККЕЛЬ (1953)