"Pilot" is a good example of what happens when you combine Russian street song with American hard-rock. I'll tell you: nothing good. Hard-rock has vanished during the assimilation process, though the musicians are sure that they play "rather hard rock", especially because in the beginning of their music career they used to play songs by Faith No More and Pearl Jam. Street song was transformed into something very tedious, but you can find all specific attributes of this music style in "Pilot" album: naive anguish, recognizable city landscapes (St Petersburg is "Pilot's" native city) and frequently repeated word "vodka". Once they loved heavy metal, wrote songs about drugs, and their previous album, "Livve Parrrty", had a nice label on it: "Careful. Rude language". They've changed. "War" is monotonous, its philosophy is boring: in brief, it's an album about street cats who are dying because of endless war between human beings and the world. Stylish ending of this album is indistinct because of three bonus tracks, without which the release would have been much better. Some arrangements are so lifeless, several tunes are so dull, and the most part of lyrics is so helpless that it even becomes funny. Well, sometimes lyrics are really keen, and anyone who sometimes feels alive will agree with "Pilot's" philosophy: "I know how to kill time, I'll put my watch on the railways". Well, "War" is something like unnecessary morning truth after a hard night: the only thing you remember after this kind of nights is terrible screams - maybe there have been a fight, or maybe you've listened to Faith No More.
Питерская рок-группа.
Дата образования:
11 января 1997
Подробности из жизни:
Илья Чёрт - вокал, гитара
Виктор Бастраков - гитара
Стас Марков - бас-гитара
Николай Лысов - барабаны
Андрей Казаченко - клавишные, сэмплеры
Роман Чуйков - гитара (1997-2005гг.)
Виктор Кузьмичёв - барабаны (1997-1999гг.)
Денис Можин - барабаны (1999-2000гг.)
Макс Йорик - скрипка (1999-2007гг.)
Мария Нефёдова - скрипка (1997-1999гг.)
Группа Пилот образовалась 11 января 1997 года в первоначальном составе: Илья Чёрт (вокал), Ромка Чуйков (гитара), Стасики Маркофф (бас), Витя Кузъмичёв (барабаны) плюс комсостав в лице директора Карпенкова Валерия Константиновича.
До этой знаменательной даты Илья Черт играл в группе под названием «Military Jane», которая в 1996 году была признана лучшей грандж-группой Питера (приз вручал авторитетнейший музыкальный клуб «TEN»). 1996 год стал для «Military Jane» переломным. Участием в фестивале «Наполним Небо Добротой» на стадионе «Петровский» группа заявила о себе как о…
Yoko ONO (1933)
Александр БАРЫКИН (1952)
Juice NEWTON (1952)
Randy CRAWFORD (1952)
Brian JAMES (1961)
Dr. DRE (1965)
Regina SPEKTOR (1980)
Варвара ВИЗБОР (1986)
RIHANNA (1988)