Department for special musical projects is established on nationwide TV Channel 1. It's first decisions deals with the principles of selecting of musical videos for broadcasting. Besides solid professionalism, now becomes necessary, video clips must be free from elements of violence, pornography, drugs propaganda and obsence language. Being already well-known and promoted should from now on create no privileges in comparison with less known performers.
Now in ORT musical programs a standard should be set for quality and good taste. It is proclaimed to be a channel strategy for gaining the audience. The new approach will be tested first on a popular daily show "Morning Mail".
2000 – Состоялся юбилейный концерт группы «Чайф» в СК «Олимпийский», посвященный пятнадцатилетию группы. Зрители в объеме 20000 человек, устроили полнейший аншлаг »»
Robert WALKER (1937)
William "Smokey" ROBINSON (1940)
Bob ROGERS (1940)
Lou CHRISTIE (1943)
Юрий АНТОНОВ (1945)
Tony IOMMI (1948)
Eddie HARDIN (1949)
Всеволод ГАККЕЛЬ (1953)