Публикации автора

  • No More Hi, No More Fi, 13.03.2000
    It looks like we'll have to say goodbye to the group Hi-Fi by the beginning of the summer, because they've decided to disband. Yes, we're crying too. Before that, though, in March, the group will »»
  • 50 Years For Two, 13.03.2000
    On March 18 the groups Time Machine and Sunday are planning to give a double concert at the GKD, to commemorate the total anniversary of the groups, which is 50 years- Time Machine is 30 years old, »»
  • Attention Musicians and Concert Organizers, 12.03.2000
    If you want to post information about your concerts in this section, please write to concert@zvuki.ru. Please also include the telephone number(s) for contacting the organizers concerning the »»
  • Tracy Chapman's New Album, 12.03.2000
    Tracy Chapman has just come out with her first album in four years- "Telling Stories." It will be her fifth record. The previous four, the first one of which came out in 1988, sold over 13 million »»
  • Eric Clapton's Rock-n-Roll Fame Beats All Records, 12.03.2000
    This is the third time that the name of Eric Clapton is inducted into the Rock-n-roll Hall of Fame. The first time Clapton made it in was as a member of the group the Yardbirds, the second time as a »»
  • Moscow Soloists for BBC, 12.03.2000
    The radiobroadcasting company BBC is greeting the new millennium with the realization of a huge project- a broadcast of 10 concerts performed in some of the most prestigious concert halls of Europe, »»
  • Tracy Chapman's New Album, 11.03.2000
    Tracy Chapman has just come out with her first album in four years- "Telling Stories." It will be her fifth record. The previous four, the first one of which came out in 1988, sold over 13 million »»
  • Moscow Soloists for BBC, 11.03.2000
    The radiobroadcasting company BBC is greeting the new millennium with the realization of a huge project- a broadcast of 10 concerts performed in some of the most prestigious concert halls of Europe, »»
  • 50 Years For Two, 11.03.2000
    On March 18 the groups Time Machine and Sunday are planning to give a double concert at the GKD, to commemorate the total anniversary of the groups, which is 50 years- Time Machine is 30 years old, »»
  • ...So Everyone Can See Our Little Girl, 11.03.2000
    Our gentle little girl, the Lolita of Russian pop, the little doll, promises to give her first solo concert in Russia April 10 and 11. This once-in-a-century event will take place in St. Petersburg »»
  • Congratulations! March 8 Is Over!, 10.03.2000
    We would like to congratulate you with the fact that now you don't have to congratulate anyone. Our greetings contest is over. Of course, the recipient of the most dedications was Zemphira (who »»
  • 200 Years Since the Birth of Hector Berlioz, 10.03.2000
    France has already begun preparations for the celebration of the 200-year anniversary of the birth of Hector Berlioz. The festivities will take place in the year 2003. The series of concerts in »»
  • Heavy Lyapis, 10.03.2000
    Lyapis Trubetskoi has figured out what to call his new album. "We want to call it 'Heavy,'" the producer of the group, Yevgenii Kolmykov, commented. "That was the name of the train car that Lyapis »»
  • News of Alexei Vishnya, 10.03.2000
    Sound producer Alexei Vishnya, has worked with a series of independent musicians from 1984 through 1989, the most famous albums he worked on included: KINO: 45, It's Not Love, Blood Group; Sergei »»
  • Whites Say "Life's a Sucker," Blacks Say "Life's a Bitch", 08.03.2000
    Rapper Black Rob (officially Rob Ross) recently came out with a debut album, "Life Story." Unfortunately, the album probably only interests those who are seriously into rap, and out of that »»
  • Carnival. It Is Not Present, 08.03.2000
    Zvuki.ru presents an archive of the recordings of Mumiy Troll in MP3 format »»